Art Direction + Design
Anett Junghardt
Macromedia University Berlin
Prozesse im Raum
Using the outcome of a seminar on 'Szenografie' (intersection between Cultural Studies, Media Theory & Design) this publication was created to show a variety of perspectives inspired by different approaches on the creative analysis of (urban) space.
'Szenografie' was held by Sandra Moskova and Jasmin Grimm as part of the Media and Communication Design (B.A.) at Macromedia University Berlin
Prozesse im Raum
Using the outcome of a seminar on 'Szenografie' (intersection between Cultural Studies, Media Theory & Design) this publication was created to show a variety of perspectives inspired by different approaches on the creative analysis of (urban) space.
'Szenografie' was held by Sandra Moskova and Jasmin Grimm as part of the Media and Communication Design (B.A.) at Macromedia University Berlin
Art Direction + Design
Anett Junghardt
Macromedia University Berlin