Personal Project
Do Not Hide Ones Light
Letterpress, digital-concept
Looking into the visual as well as metaphorical qualities of light I became interested in the gesture of encouragement – calling upon showing ones inner light as opposed to hide it.
To universally share a gesture of encouragement I created a concept for a website – which would allow me re-enact a gesture of lighting ones (virtual) light infinite times.
Simply by logging in that website you can than view the light someone lit for you. Your light will appear to breath.
Given some time, ultimately this will completely illuminate the website creating an absolute white space - resembling the visual power of one unified bright light. This concept not only celebrates the value of a gesture but also reminds us to be human.
Do Not Hide Ones Light
Letterpress, Web-concept
Looking into the visual as well as metaphorical qualities of light I became interested in the gesture of encouragement – calling upon showing ones inner light as opposed to hide it.
To universally share a gesture of encouragement I created a concept for a website – which would allow me re-enact a gesture of lighting ones (virtual) light infinite times.
Simply by logging in that website you can than view the light someone lit for you. Your light will appear to breath.
Given some time, ultimately this will completely illuminate the website creating an absolute white space - resembling the visual power of one unified bright light. This concept not only celebrates the value of a gesture but also reminds us to be human.
Personal Project